We are a community of learners. We want you to join us.
Terrace Talk is where creative minds come to start conversations about concepts, designs, positions, and processes that challenge the status quo. Do you have a take that questions the industry standard on a process, practice, policy, or approach? You have come to the right blog!
This is a place to express your opinions freely, read what others have to say, and engage in meaningful exchanges. Together we dare to unlearn and grow as learners.
Terrace Talk encourages:
- Conversations designed to disrupt
- Stories that evoke emotions, trigger debate
- Discussions that redefine the default
Guidelines for Submission
1. Topic
Express your thoughts and ideas on an economic, social, technological or academic topic or issue of your interest, we would share it with everyone here.
2. Frequency
Terrace Talks will run three topics each month. Submissions will be open for 10 days after announcing a topic.
3. Word Count
Succinct pieces of 500-750 words are a go.
4. Format for Sharing
You can share your blog by sending email to submit@learnersrepublic.com or submitting online.
5. Formatting
– Use headers and sub headers to break up your post.
– Avoid big blocks of text.
– No running sentences please.
– Include pictures separately. Do not use stock images. Use pictures when they add to your point.
Blogs may be submitted by founders and members of the Learners’ Republic community. We would also welcome guest blogs from contributors outside the community. Blog guidelines will apply to all contributors indiscriminately.
We may edit your post. We may edit anchor text and links that are not relevant to your post. Editing will be for clarity in line with policy and space.
Please refrain from sending multiple copies of your message. We will not consider mass e-mails or letters sent to multiple addresses. If your article has not been published within 2 weeks of submission, you may consider it rejected and can then send it to another publication.
Sometimes posting schedules may change but we will let you know ahead of time.
We ask that your article not be published elsewhere previously, or simultaneously.
We ask that your articles be submitted 10 days prior to your scheduled posting date. Don’t worry, we’ll coordinate that with you.
Once your piece is published on the blog, please check over following days to respond to comments. Comments and their replies will not be more than 250 words. If you wish to engage more on an article written by someone else, write a reply blog. Start a conversation!
Please plan to promote your post through your social media networks. We recommend multiple shares on multiple networks over multiple days. Feel free to share other interesting pieces from Terrace Talk too!